But the one who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, will receive a light beating. Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.n(Luke 12:48 ESV)
Scripture is always frightening when it comes to the topic of leadership. Most lessons taught on leadership and positions of authority strike a little trepidation in my heart. To whom much is entrusted, MORE will be demanded. This reality and responsibility is true also of coaches. Athletes trust us. Our clients trust us. When we program certain workouts they believe it’s going to benefit them. When we program competition or team training workouts we take a lot of the success, careers, and results of our athletes in our hands. No we cannot perform for them but certainly their preparation up to competition is a coach’s responsibility. With our daily clients the pressure is the same. Their future desires, goals, and health are in the balance.
There’s a lot of responsibility and a great deal of pressure for those who lead in this role. Same for teachers as their students believe the words that come from the mouth. The same is true of your pastors in their preaching. They are trusted to lead responsibly. As competition season is upon us and the pressure of competition begins to grow, this responsibility sits heavily on good coaches. Good coaches with good athletes know this pressure too well. If you are a coach in charge of competitive athletes or simply a coach in charge of your clients, I have two words of encouragement for you.
1- Deal responsibly with them. Where you are equipped to lead, then lead and lead well. But where you are ill-equipped do not pretend. It will only hurt them in the long run.
2- Trust your coaching skills. Trust that your preparation has prepared you to lead your athletes and them to succeed. Trust that your knowledge, past experiences, and investment in your athletes will pay off.
Coaches sit in a position of great responsibility. I am both humbled to find myself in that position and burdened to do my best for those in my gym. Coaches, don’t take your role lightly. Remember you have been given much so that much is required of you.