A) P&G 400m Warm up:
– 25m monster walk each direction (1/4 squat slow slide sideways leading with knee) (50m total)
– 25m Shuffle each direction (50m total)
– 25m Karaoke each direction (50m total)
– 50m high skip
– 50m long skip (as far as possible each skip)
– 50m jog w/ perfect form
– 100m stride outs (increasing speed, using longest perfect stride you can manage. Finish @ dead sprint)
B) 4 x 1:00 Sprint, 1:00 walk, 1:00 jog.
Make sure you wear a watch and you can look at it each minute.
Sprint Pace = [go to wodfollow.com]
Walk = [go to wodfollow.com]
Jog = [go to wodfollow.com]
(Cool down is the last round.)