Complete in Order
A) 6 supersets
-5 strict ring dips w/ pause in bottom of each
-3 strict pullups (focus on keeping shoulder and hips directly under bar)
B) Back Squat: Find new 1rm
A) 4 sets of the following holds… all in succession
-3 sec. false grip/hollow hold
-3 sec. hold with arm 90 degrees
-3 sec. hold w/ rings on chest
-3 sec. in bottom of dip
-3 sec. support position
15 mim. AMRAP
15-12-9 of:
-Clean, 135/95
-HRPU (quads can not touch the ground for rep to count, rep starts and ends at top_
-Thruster, 135/95
-Deadlift, 135/95
-Wall-ball shot, 30/20
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