After a wild weekend of competition I have to take a second to give some shout outs.
Our Crossfit Teams and Individuals took to the competition field at the All Cities Open this weekend. HUGE props to Lindsay Marshall, Jason Hoggan, and Ingrid Kantola for their work on the individual events. Highlights of the event were Lindsay beating everyone in the sled drag by 10 sec, Hoggan holding the most consistent pace I have ever seen him hold for the last event, AND Ingrid finally getting to show off some strength with her effort on the round of 8 clean and jerks on the las WOD. nSuper impressive work from our individuals.
Secondly, our teams did great yesterday and Friday. They operated as a cohesive unit, communicated exceptionally, and performed exactly as they were asked. Huge shout out to our team members: Heather, Tara, Kevin, Chip, Jeff, Robert H, Kylee, Caitlin, Kylee, Kasey, Hayley, Collin, Robert Hendrickson, Chandler, Robbie, Dawson, and Mel. Great showing and awesome work!
Lastly, there a little shout out deserved for Chance Brewster. Chance’s last competition he snatch 80 and CJ 102 for a total of 182. Yesterday he hit a 15kg PR on the snatch to snatch 95kg! What’s more his previous PR of 102 on CJ isn’t near close enough to make it to Nationals. He needed 120kg. That lift would be a 18kg PR. I opened him at 120 because that’s what we needed for Nationals and we didn’t come to the meet for any other reason. He smoked it! Hitting 120kg gave him the total he needed to go to Denver for the Nationals.
Thanks for whatching and be on the lookout for the State Chamopionship meet as I get our gym and competition teams ready to take those medals. Congrats again!