I am hoping that everyone by this point is working hard, nose to the ground, on maximal level strength. Regardless of whether you are a Crossfitter or a lifter. We are in the off-season. Time to entrench ourselves with position work, triples, squats on squats on squats, and all the work that can’t be the focus come January (November for lifters).
That being said, there is no better time to get to work on the technical side of your lifts. In fact, now is the only time where that work can create the most impact on your results. We are putting on a seminar in Medford, Oregon the weekend of September 20th. We will be spending 2.5 days to cover every aspect of the snatch, clean, and jerk giving opportunity for each attendee to practice with a heavy barbell. We believe that often folks leave seminars and certifications understanding the lifts but with no clue how to perform them. A PVC pipe is far different from a weighted barbell. In our camps you will learn the proper technical aspects THEN practice them under coach’s eyes with actual weight on the bar.
If you’re interested and serious about getting rid of bad habits and perfecting your movement check our site out here and sign up here.
Here’s one person’s thoughts on our last camp in Dallas.
“I really feel that you covered about as much information as possible in a three day time period. I learned so much more than I did at the USA weightlifitng seminar.”
“Overall I think it was an outstanding teaching camp and would highly recommend your camp to others!”