Rudy posted these on his site today but I wanted to emphasize and give detail to these camps. My staff and I are holding 4 different camps in 4 different locations. We will be hosting one camp in our gym as well as 3 others in Norman, OK, Tampa Bay, FL, and Medford, OR.
These camp are an opportunity for my staff and I to break down your lifts to the minute little details. We will put you in all the correct positions for the lifts and force you to lift well and lift efficiently from those positions. The point of the camps are simple. Send the camper home with a understanding of what should be happening in the lifts, a experience having done the lift correctly, and personal experience from world-class coaches examining your lifts.
If you are at all interested check out the link here and browse our website for details and sign up links.
Lastly, we said goodbye to the mid-week Murfreesboro campers today and started with the weekend folks. We saw some awesome lifts and some real potential in the room. I don’t know that I have seen a room with so much wasted talent. These guys and girls are extremely talented and super athletic but their technique leaves a little to be desired. I firmly believe this camp will produce some pretty dramatic changes and an even more electric environment when lifting. Basically lots of room to grow in this camp but the sky is the limit for these folks. More on their improvement and their lifts tomorrow.