We had an awesome week in Kansas City @ NKC Crossfit. As I stated previously that group asked some of the better questions during our lectures and practicals that we have ever received. It all made sense when we realized that close to half the camp does the programming for their gym or competition program. They are intimately invested in the success of their clients, athletes, and personal training.
Thank you NKC for the hospitality. Specifically Zach and Eric, yall made this trip super easy for us and the gym was PERFECT for the camp. Thanks for taking care of us and for having such an awesome gym.
The beauty of the attendees last weekend were their understanding of the time and process it takes to develop fitness and athleticism. Saturday night I got the chance to talk with some of their competition team and members and they all expressed two things. 1- A desire to be the best. To achieve the results nobody thinks is possible for them and surprise everyone around them. 2- They all want to be the best as fast as possible but understand that the process is part of the picture. They all understand and embrace the time and commitment necessary to gain the level of fitness they desire. I explained to them that anyone who goes from zero to elite in a short amount of time was either elite already and didn’t show those numbers off OR are being enhanced by a substance of some sort. The process is what makes the results so worthwhile. Anything that requires long-term investment makes the result that much sweeter.
For all of you reading, take that mindset expressed by those members and athletes and root it deep in your understanding of fitness. Embrace the process. It’s not quick, easy, or simple but its worth it.