Most lifters who have looked at any critiques of the Olympic lifts or studied the Olympic lifts at all can easily spot some of the looping, arc-like mistakes in bar track for the snatch. These mistakes are often highlighted and more often given an immense amount of attention and critiques by shows up However, the same problem often shows in the clean. But since the receiving position for the clean is not overhead, often these technical inefficiencies go unnoticed. In fact, I would say that these technical inefficiencies can go years without being noticed and rear their ugly head at just the wrong time. My opener at the American open is a great example of this problem.
Below you’ll find a video of one of my clients doing this exact thing. He’s a very good lifter and could out lift most people who will read this blog. However he did make a mistake and did send that video to me making him for game for this critique. Take a look at the link below to see what happens when the bar loops out away from you in the clean and how it impacts your receiving position in the bottom of the squat. Enjoy.
Gary Roberts Looping Clean Bartrack