For those of you following the weightlifting template you're probably wondering what we're doing right now. After we had that really heavy finishing mesocycle just before the American Open I decided to take a step back and do some technique work this cycle. For the next 12 weeks we're going to focus on bar positioning. What that means for those of you following the program is that we're going to be doing a lot of lifting off of blocks and a lot of pulling to specific positions. We did a lot of really good strength work in the cycle prior to this one and now I want to see if we can't put that strength to use in the proper positions during the lifts. We all know that an excess of strength doesn't very little good if we don't use it in the right way, the right time, in the right position.
With that in mind we will lift every single day. There will not be a day in this next 12 weeks we are not completing at least a portion of a lift. Monday's we will snatch, Tuesday's we will Jerk, Wednesday's we will clean, Friday's we will Snatch and CJ together, and Saturday's we will do power movements and no hook no feet work. We will also squat three days a week alternating heavy weeks of back squat and front squat.
You can expect a lot of work in different positions and a lot of time spent working toward more technically precise movement. Really focus on the days with partial movements over the next 12 weeks. It will pay off weeks from now.