Complete in Order:
A) 3 sets of:
- 10 alternating DB snatch (keep light)
- 10 empty barbell overhead squats (45,35)
- 1-minute easy bike
B) 10-15 minutes of mobility of your choice
A) 3 sets of: 2 snatch grip push press + 2 overhead squats + 2 snatch balance (rest 90sec)
B) Snatch from Blocks (barbell set just below the knee): 5×3 (rest 90sec between sets)
C) Snatch grip RDL: 4×5 (rest 2min between sets) — use straps if needed
A) 3 sets @ 75-85% of:
- 20/15 calorie row
- 3 rope climbs
- 20/15 calorie Assault Bike
- 20 GHD sit ups
- 75 double unders
- (rest 3 minutes between sets)
** Level I = RX
** Level II = 15/10c row, 2 rope climbs, 15/10c bike, 15 GHDSU, 50 double unders
** Level III = 12/9c row, 1 rope climb, 12/9c bike, 20 ab mat sit ups, 125 single unders