I’ve seen a lot of PR attempts and a lot of PR makes in my life. The most memorable are easily those with the best celebrations. Akkeav’s defeat of Klokov, Pyrros’ jump… However I was reminded today that celebration is part of the sport when one of our coaches, Kevin Klein, finally joined the 200# pound snatch club. At 145 pounds this was a huge feat for him and he celebrated with style. Everytime I see a lifter celebrate in this fashion it reminds me of why we lift every day. I thought I would help each of you with some motivation as well. Here are some of the greatest celebrations that are a little less famous than Pyrros’ above. Counting down from 5.
5: Ian reminds us that despite the weight on the bar, he still has a little kid in him.
Ian Wilson 182 CJ at age 16 (at the end)
4: The Dainty Little Leprechaun
Colm 100kg Snatch with Commentary
3: Diana Shaw nails a 130# Snatch PR then proceeds to show us some ballet
130# PR with Commentary
2: Johnny Medina, if this doesn’t make you want to go to the gym and PR right now then you are not human. Love this kid!
Medina 210# PR
1: Last but not least. Kevin Klein joining the 200# club… no commentary needed.
Kevin Klein 200#