Sunday May 13, 2018: Masters
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Hero Saturday For the next couple of months, Saturday’s will be set aside for some Hero workouts. Enjoy some tough, long conditionings with great meaning behind them. “Glen” 30 Clean/Jerks, 135/95 Run 1 Mile 10 Rope Climbs Run 1 Mile 100 … [Read more...]
Three sets of: Power Snatch x 3 Snatch Balance x 2 Overhead Squat x 2 Weight = Moderate + Four sets of: Power Clean x 2 Front Squat x 2 Hang Clean x 1 Split Jerk x 2 (Moderate-Heavy) + 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Back Squat @ 60% + 10/8 … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Three sets of: Wall Squat x 5 Russian KB Swings x 10 Med Ball Front Squat x 10 + 12:00 to work to a heavy Power Clean (roughly 80% of 1RM Clean) + 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 UB Power Clean, 115/75 + Run 200m + Three sets of: 15 GHD Sit Ups 15 … [Read more...]
50x Strict Pull Ups + 12:00 to a heavy Strict Press + 5x2 Strict Press @ 85% (Rest 2 minutes) + 3x10 Single-Arm DB Push Press/arm (Rest 2 minutes) + 3x10 Single-Arm DB Row/arm (Rest 2 minutes) + Run 2 Miles @ 75-80% effort For … [Read more...]
Three sets of: Muscle Snatch x 3 BTN Strict Press x 3 Overhead Squat x 3 Weight = Light + Five sets of: Power Snatch x 2 Snatch Balance x 2 Overhead Squat x 2 Weight = Moderate + Five sets of: Snatch x 1 @ 75-90% (Rest 1-2 … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Hero Saturday For the next couple of months, Saturday’s will be set aside for some Hero workouts. Enjoy some tough, long conditionings with great meaning behind them. “Nukes” 8 minutes to complete: Run 1 Mile Max Rep Deadlifts, 315/205 Then, … [Read more...]
Three sets of: Snatch Grip Deadlift x 3 Hang Muscle Snatch x 3 Drop Snatch x 3 Press in Snatch x 3 Overhead Squat x 3 (use light weight) + Four sets of: Power Snatch x 1 Low-Hang Snatch x 1 Hang Snatch x 1 High-Hang Snatch x … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Three sets of: Muscle Clean x 3 Front Squat x 3 Jerk Balance x 3 (Keep weight light) + Four sets of: High Hang Clean x 1 Push Jerk x 1 Split Jerk x 1 (moderate weight) + Three sets of: Clean Liftoff x 1 Clean x 1 Front Squat x 2 Split … [Read more...]
Three sets of: Hollow/Arch Kips x 10 Max Freestanding HS Hold + Three sets of: Kipping Pull Ups x 6-8 Strict HSPU x 4-8 + Three sets of: Bar Muscle Ups x 2-5 Handstand Walk x 50ft + Two sets of: Row 2000m @ 5k PR Pace (Rest 4:00) For … [Read more...]
Three sets of: Muscle Snatch x 3 BTN Push Press x 3 Snatch Balance x 3 Pause OHS x 3 (3-seconds in the bottom) (use light weight) + Four sets of: BTN Push Press x 2 Pause OHS x 2 (use moderate weight) + Four sets of: Snatch x 1 Hang … [Read more...]
Front Squat Every 15sec for 5min 1x Front Squat @ 40% (You may not rack barbell until all 20 reps are completed) Conditioning For Time: 20x Ring Muscle Ups + 40x Thrusters @ 45/35lbs + 80x Wall Balls @ 20/14lbs + 40x Thrusters @ 45/35lbs + 20x Bar … [Read more...]