Sunday August 26, 2018: Masters
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Front Squats Front Squat: 5 sets of 4 @ 70-90% Bar Muscle Ups 3x10 Hollow-Arch Kips + 3 sets of: Bar Muscle Ups x 60% of max set from last week (Rest 2min between sets) Conditioning AMRAP 12: 10 Toes to Bar 15 Kettlebell Swings, … [Read more...]
Clean Blocks 2in off floor: Clean: Complete 4-6 sets of 1 @ 90% of 1RM Strict Pulling 5 sets of 3 - Tempo strict pullups (5331) *Add weight if possible Conditioning 10 rounds: 15 Cal Row 10 Lateral Burpees over bar rest 1min between … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Jerk + Deadlift Jerk: Work up to 90% of 2RM and hit 4 sets of 2 reps + Deadlift: Every 45 sec x 9 min: 5 TNG Deadlifts @ 265/185" Midline "500 ft. crawl w/ drag sled (start unweighted and build) " Conditioning "Fight Gone Bad" 3 … [Read more...]
Back Squats Work up to 90% of 5RM for 5 sets of 5 Muscle Ups A) 4 min. alt. tabata - Arch/hollow holds on rings B) 10 min. - Every 30 sec. 1 skin the cat + 1 ring MU Conditioning 60/45 cal AAB EMOM perform 10 GHD situps Start … [Read more...]
Prep: General Warm Up Snatch Blocks 2in off floor: Snatch: Complete 4-6 sets of 1 @ 90% of max single HSPU Kip HSPU clusters - 5.5.5. 5 sets - adding 25# plate each set AMRAP Conditioning: 21-15-9 reps for time of: Front Squat, … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Front Squats Front Squat: 6 sets of 4 @ 60-80% Bar Muscle Ups 1x Max Set (Rest as Needed) 2x 50% of Max Set (Rest 2:00 between) Conditioning AMRAP 9: Row 25 Cals 50' HS Walk For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Clean Blocks 2in off floor: Clean: Complete 6 sets of 1 @ 80-90% Strict Pulling In 5 sets - Find max weighted 3 rep chin-up + 5 sec. hold w/ chin over bar on last rep Conditioning 10 rounds: 10 Cal AAB 50 Double-unders Rest … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Jerk + Deadlift Jerk: Work up to 85% and hit 4-6 sets of 1 + Deadlift: 50/4, 60/4, 70/3*2, 80/3*2 sets Core Training "5 sets of: 12 ghd hip extensions 10 Strict Toes to Bar Interval Conditioning "Every 2:00 x 9 sets 10 Front Squats, … [Read more...]
Back Squats Back Squat: Work up to 85% of 5RM for 6 sets of 5 Muscle Ups 2 sets of.. -11 Ring MU in as few sets as possible Rest 2:1 b/n *Be risky on 1st set, then take what learned into 2nd Conditioning For time: 40/30 Calorie Assault … [Read more...]
Prep: General Warm Up Snatch Blocks 2in off floor: Snatch: 7 sets to a heavy single HSPU "9 sets of 5 strict HSPU w/ 45/25# plate def. *each set alternate from facing/facing away from the wall " AMRAP Conditioning: "21-15-9 reps … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]