Sunday August 5, 2018: Masters
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 12 min. to find max Snatch B) 12 min. to find max Clean and Jerk Skill: A) 3 sets of 20 small tight Hollow/arch kips Conditioning: 9 min. AMRAP Climb the ladder -3 wallballs (20/14) -1 Bar MU -6 … [Read more...]
General Warm Up + Partner Workout Row 1000m 100 Push Press, 95/65# 200 Double Unders 70 Push Press, 95/65# 200 Double Unders 40 Push Press, 95/65# Row 1000m + 1 Mile Sled Drag, add 90/60# to sled + Cool Down For personalized masters … [Read more...]
General Warm Up + Every 2:00 for 6 sets 1 Power Clean 1 Squat Clean 1 Front Squat 1 Split Jerk (Work to a heavy) + 2 rounds of: Run 800m 25 Thrusters, 75/55# 25 Chest to Bar Pull Ups + Cool Down For personalized masters programming … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 6 sets a1) 10 reps kneeling press a2) 6 weighted pullups to 6rm B) FS EMOM x 7 min: complete 2 reps of 1 1/4 FS working to heavy double Skill: A) 4 min. tabata - bottom of HSPU hold on wall *connected … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Rest Day … [Read more...]
General Warm Up + 100 Calorie Assault Bike (Rest 2:00) 75 GHD Sit Ups (Rest 2:00) 50 Calorie Assault Bike (Rest 2:00) 25 GHD Sit Ups + 3 sets of: Muscle Ups x 50% of max set (Rest 1:00 between sets) + Cool Down For personalized … [Read more...]
General Warm Up + Snatch, from blocks below knee 6-7 sets to work to a heavy single Then: 3x2 @ 80% of heavy single + 3 rounds of: Row 500m 21 Burpees Run 400m + Cool Down For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 1 BN jerk + 1 Jerk from the blocks: 50/1+3, 60/1+3, 65/1+2, 70/1+2, 75/1+2, 80/1+1, 85/1+1, 90/1+1 B) BS:work to 5rm in 5 sets Skill: A) Accumulate 2 min. hanging from pullup bar in dead … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) Clean Blocks @ below knee: Clean Pull + Clean: 60/3, 70/3, 75/2*2, 80/2*2 sets, 85/2*2 sets, 90/1*2 sets, 90+/1 only if no misses B) Deadlift Clusters: 3.3.3 x 4 sets every 2 minutes with 10 sec rest between … [Read more...]
General Warm Up + Front Squat 12:00 to work to a 2RM from the floor + Every 3:00 x 5 sets 10 Power Cleans, 135/95# 20 Wall Balls, 30/20# + Cool Down For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) Snatch from the Blocks below the knee: Snatch pull + Snatch=1: 60/3, 70/3, 75/2*2, 80/2*2 sets, 85/2*2 sets, 90/1*2 sets, 90+/1 only if no misses B) FS: Work to 3rm in 5 sets with a 3 sec. pause in first … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Rest Day … [Read more...]