Thursday October 18, 2018: Masters
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Interval Conditioning 5 rounds for time: Run 400m 50 Air Squats rest 1:1 *wearing 20# vest Weightlifting FS + Split Jerk: 1+1: Starting at 75% work up to max 1+1 For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 4 sets of 3 Push Press + 1 5 sec. Paused Jerk grip OHS: 4 sets building as warmup B) Back Squat: 8 min. EMOM - 2 BS each with a 3 sec pause in the bottom *start around 60% and build slowly as able... positions … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) Clean + 3 FS (1+1=1) *find max for the day B) DL: Every 90 sec. for the following reps and % of 1rm 10@50% 8@60% 6@70% 4@80% 2@85-90% rest 1 min. and repeat Skill: A) 8 min. EMOM - 10 sec. support … [Read more...]
Weightlifting (Snatch) Low Hang Snatch (2in off ground): Every 90 sec: Starting at 80% work up to new single Gymnastics Training (HS) Five sets of: Run 400m 75ft Handstand Walk Rest 90 sec For personalized masters programming from Duke … [Read more...]
Aerobic Work 4 x 5 min / 3 min easy Ski four 5 minute pieces. Ski for three minutes at light pressure between each piece Row instead of Ski if you don't have a Ski Erg. Gymnastics Training 12 min EMOM of: odd) 5 Ring Muscle Ups even) 15 … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) In 12 min. Work to max hang snatch + full snatch (Touch and Go) B) 3 sets of 4: Jerk grip OHS as warmup C) Take 4-5 sets to work to 80% of max C&J THEN... every 45 sec for 8 sets - 1 C&J at 80% *you … [Read more...]
Weightlifting Split Jerk Every 90 sec Work up to a new 1RM Gymnastics 10 min. Banded march w/ 14/20 medball in bearhug *put on dip belt and clip into bands stretched between dbs or uprights *EMOM - perform 10 squats and resume … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) FS: 12 min. to find 7 rep max - first 2 reps have 1 sec. pause at bottom *only 3-4 real attempts in this time frame so be smart B) 5 supersets B1- 5 Rope pullups + 5 toes to rope (slip top hand each set) B2- … [Read more...]
IWT Three rounds of: 10 Power Cleans, 50% of 1RM Clean 90 second Row @ 90-95% effort Rest 2 min 5 minute break Three rounds of: 10 Front Squat, same weight as cleans 90 second Bike @ 90-95% effort Rest 2 min 5 minute … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Rest Day … [Read more...]