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The Happy Dance!

I’ve seen a lot of PR attempts and a lot of PR makes in my life.  The most memorable are easily those with the best...

Two Cool Pics

So late night tonight.  I have been wanting to post these two pictures and never found a good reason to throw them up on the...

What Does the Early Arm Bend Do?

One of the biggest hindrances to power and vertical bar speed is the early arm bend.  For those of you who struggle with bending the...

Strong Saturday: Openers

So we are officially less than a week away from the Texas State Weightlifting Championships.  Our team has entered the final prep phase and are...

Refined By Fire

1 Peter 1:7 – “so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found...

Helpful Exercise: On Toe Split and Recovery

I can’t tell you how many times I have left jerks out front after a PR clean.  In fact many of those jerks haunt my...

Training Environments

I had an awesome conversation today about the advantage  of a team training environment.  Who would Brett Farve have been without the Packers?  Or Shawn...

Builder vs Wrecker? Which Are You?

Last week after training one morning Coach Luttrell showed me this poem.  No I’m not a poet (maybe a warrior poet) nor a huge fan...

The Benefit of the Back Squat (and the SEC)

Well since there isn’t a game worth watching on TV let’s talk backsquat.  Seriously this game is like watching the JV play the Varsity.For many...

10 Thing I Learned in the Promised Land

Arrived back home in Dallas.  Literally have not been on my couch for two whole glorious weeks.  While I was away I observed and learned...