As most of you know by now, Power and Grace Performance was tapped to orchestrate the newest
addition to the Wodapalooza Fitness Festival, the WZA Weightlifting Faceoff taking place Jan 12th in Miami. Take traditional weightlifting, add the crazy WZA atmosphere on Miami beach, inject a legit cash prize, and throw in a new and exciting head-to-head format, and you have the ingredients for the new WWF.
Athletes will liftoff head-to-head with no weight classes. In place of weight classes, we’ll be using the Sinclair Coefficient to level the playing field based on bodyweight. The best part is, anyone can participate!
How To Compete
We will have two 16 person brackets for both the Men and Women, Invitational and Open divisions. In addition to all invited athletes, the top qualifying sinclair total will make it into the Invitational bracket. So the top 16 athletes (including invites) will be in the Invitational Bracket and the next 16 will be in the Open Bracket. To enter for a chance to lift in the finals on Miami beach sign up here and follow the directions!
How the Event Works
As stated, qualifying athletes will be in one of two 16 athlete brackets, and be ranked 1 through 16 based on their qualifying Sinclair total. As you can see below, each round will feature a different combination of lifts, with the athlete lifting the best Sinclair moving onto the net round.
ROUND 1- 6 minutes (3 per athlete), alternating on the minute between athletes to find their heavy Snatch, then a 1 minute reset, and the same alternating format for the Clean & Jerk – Top total advances on to…
ROUND 2- 8 minutes (4 per athlete), alternating on the minute between athletes to find their heavy Snatch – The athlete with the heaviest sinclair moves on to…
SEMI-FINALS- 8 minutes (4 per athlete), alternating on the minute between athletes to find their heavy Clean and Jerk – The athlete with the heaviest sinclair moves on to…
FINALS- 10 minutes (5 per athlete), alternating on the minute between athletes to find their heavy Snatch, then a 1 minute reset, and the same alternating format for the Clean & Jerk – Winner takes all
- Lifter Check-in: 7 to 8AM
- Round 1: 8AM to 12:00PM
- Round 2: 12 to 1:30PM
- BREAK: 1:30 to 2:30PM
- Semi-finals: 2:30 to 3:30PM
- BREAK: 3:30 to 6PM
- Finals: 6 to 8PM
- Closing Ceremonies: 8 to 8:30PM
Winners of the Invite division receive a prize of $2000. Winners of the Open division receive a set of barbell and plates.
Included – all registrant will receive a t-shirt, 1-day pass to WZA 2017, and a lifelong experience! ($75 value)
Lace up your lifters, slide on your knee sleeves and throw some heavy weight in the air, like you just don’t care. The WZA Weightlifting Face-Off is here for you to go hard, deep and finish strong.
Qualifying for the First Annual Wodapalooza Weightlifting Faceoff follows these procedures:
Route 1: Submit a previously Completed Total:
1. Submit a previously completed total in a USA Weightlifting Sanctioned meet within 6 months of the submitted date. Submit your completed total including the individual lift numbers, your bodyweight for the competition, name of the competition, and a link to the USA Weightlifting Event Site that would verify your submitted total.
a. Example: Spencer Arnold: USAW National Championships, Snatch: 131, CJ: 155, Total: 286, Bodyweight: 76.5 Link Here.
Route 2: Complete A Video Submitted Total
1. Each athlete will film a max snatch and a max clean and jerk and film their weigh-in as part of their submission. It is the sole responsibility of the athlete to choose a camera setup that allows for the best viewing of the lifts. We recommend a straight on camera view.
2. The verbal password, “Lift big, for the WWF” must be stated at the beginning of every video to ensure it was completed within the qualifying period.
3. Complete standards for the completion of each lift are outlined in the IWF Competition Rules and Regulations found here. The standards can be summarized as follows with the finer details found in the Rules and Regulations.
a. The Snatch:
i. The bar must be lifted from the ground to overhead in one motion with no delay in movement or stalling of the bar.
ii. The bar must come to arm’s length in one motion with no re-bending of the arms.
iii. The lifter must show control of the lift overhead before dropping the bar.
iv. If any part of the body touches the ground besides the feet, the lift is disqualified.
b. The Clean and Jerk:
i. The bar must be lifted from the ground to shoulder in one motion with no delay in movement or stalling of the bar.
ii. After reaching the shoulders, showing a pause in body movement, the bar must be lifted from the shoulder to overhead in one motion with no delay in movement or stalling of the bar including a re-bending of the arms.
iii. The lifter must show control of the bar overhead before dropping the bar.
iv. If any part of the body touches the ground besides the feet, the lift is disqualified.
v. If any part of the body touches the knees during the clean, the lift is disqualified.
Qualification Standards:
Athletes will be selected based on the Sinclair bodyweight adjusted coefficient and ranked for competition accordingly. You can find specifications about the Sinclair Coefficient here. Two divisions will be open for entry, Invitational and Open. The athlete’s calculated Sinclair Coefficient will qualify them for their appropriate division based on the other lifter total. The athletes will then be seeded for competition within their divisions based on their Sinclair Coefficient.
Wodapalooza Weightlifting Faceoff Rules and Procedures:
1. Two lifters will face off in turn based manner. The lifters will compete in their designated round of the tournament completing the assigned lifts in head to head fashion. Each round will feature a snatch, clean and jerk, or total of the two lifts.
2. Prior to the start of the round, the lifters will have been seeded 1-16. That seeding determines who completes the first lift, higher seed first. Each lifter will be given a one minute clock to complete their allotted lift until time is complete for the round.
a. Should a lifter miss their lift and have extra time they may use that extra time in the minute, if they desire, to attempt the lift again. However, the lifter is not allowed to change the weight in their allotted minute once it has been lifted above the knees.
b. Once a lifter attempts a certain load on either snatch or clean and jerk, they may not decrease the load at any time throughout the rest of the round unless they are in a round consisting of both snatch and clean and jerk whereupon they may start with any load they choose at the beginning of the second half of the round.
c. The lifters are required to load their own bar during their allotted time. The opposing lifter can load their bar at any time regardless of whose turn it is.
3. Each round will be allotted in the following manner:
a. Round 1: 6 minute round to complete snatch max (3 minutes each lifter), 1 minute reset minute, 6 minute round to complete clean and jerk max (3 minutes each lifter).
b. Round 2: A single 8 minute round to complete snatch max (4 minutes each lifter)
c. Round 3: A single 8 minute round to complete clean and jerk max (4 minutes each lifter)
d. Round 4 (Championship Round): 10 minute round to complete snatch max (5 minutes each lifter), 3 minute reset minute, 10 minute round to complete clean and jerk max (5 minutes each lifter).
4. The winner will be decided by the highest Sinclair Coefficient of the best lift or combined best snatch and clean and jerk should the round have both lifts.
5. Each lifter will have 3 judges assigned to their platform signaling whether each lift was a good lift or bad lift.
6. There will be a scoreboard running behind the competing athletes showing both their current Sinclair Total as well as what weight they would need to lift to beat their opponent’s current Sinclair Total.
7. All rules and regulations for the standards of the lifts apply as mentioned before for online qualifier and can be referenced in full here.