December 2, 2018: Competition
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 10 min. EMOM - Work to max Power snatch B) 10 min to find max: Clean + 2 FS + jerk Skill: A) 5 sets of 10 Hollow/arch kips on rings + 5 sec. hollow hold Conditioning: For time 60 Bar over … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 5 sets of 5 - Weighted Ring pushups B) 5 sets 10 - KB bent rows, hold last rep on chest for 5 sec. hold Skill: A) 4 sets for quality - 3 hollow pushups +3 strict HSPU + 6 kipping … [Read more...]
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) BN jerk + Jerk - 10 min. to work to max for the day B) 8 min. EMOM - 3 FS @ 80% of monday's 3rm Skill: A) Death by ring dip Conditioning: 3 rounds for time 30 wallballs (20/14) 20 HRPU 70 … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 10 min. to find max - one full clean w/ a 3 sec. pause below the knee B) 4 min. AMRAP -10 UB DL at a weight you can do UB -6 burpee box overs Skill: A) 70 pushup position shoulder taps *don't twist when … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 10 min. to find max - Snatch pull to explode + Hang snatch (above knee) + hang snatch (below the knee) B) Find 3 rm FS Skill: A) 3 rounds - at a steady pace, not for time -8 strict pullup -10 alt. … [Read more...]
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) Press in split: 5 sets 3 B) 12 min. to find max Clean + push press + power jerk + split jerk Skill: A) 4 sets -8 russian KB swings -8 Alt. weighted pistols Conditioning: 5 rounds for time -12 … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) Accumulate 3 min. in HS hold facing away form wall B) 6 sets -2 rope pullups + 2 rope TTB + 10 sec. L-sit Skill: A) 6 sets of 3 -strict HSPU facing wall Conditioning: For time: 100 alt. DB snatch … [Read more...]
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 10 min. EMOM - 2 Push jerks at 80% of max jerk B) BS: 4 rep max with 2 sec. pause at the bottom of each rep Skill: A) On Rings for consistency - 8 min. EMOM - 3 MU Conditioning: For time: -30 … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) Every 90 sec. for 10 sets - 2 position clean -Clean from high hang + Clean from below the knee B) 10 min. Every 20 sec. - 2 DL at 50% Skill: A) 4 sets -25 ft.HS walk + max freestanding … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 5 Min. EMOM x 3 rounds -1 Hang snatch (above the knee) *build each minute *rest 1 min. after each 5 min. block *for sets 2 and 3, drop 10-20 # from last snatch waving down slightly and continue building B) … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]