December 27, 2018: Competition
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Active Recovery Day 30min Easy Cardio + 20min Skill Session (of your choice) For the skill session, keep volume and intensity VERY light, but rather focus on positions and movements. For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 12 min. to find 3 rep power jerk from rack -rest 2 min. and drop to 85% of today's 3rep THEN 10 S2OH anyway from the ground B)Every 2 min: 6 sets: 2 FS + 4 BS at 80% of monday's 2rm FS Skill: A) 3 sets of 2 - Skin the … [Read more...]
Deload Week Every 1min for 10min 1x Clean @ 80% + AMRAP 7min of: 20x DB Push Press @ 50/35lbs + 40x Double Unders For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Conditioning: For time: 5k Row or Run for time Merry Christmas For free access to the App and access to Competition - Premium head to … [Read more...]
Deload Week Christmas Day Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 10 min. EMOM - 1 Hang Snatch + OHS B) FS: 6 sets to find 2 rep max FS w/ 5 sec. pause in first rep Skill: A) 6 sets - 20ft. HS walk to wall, pirouette on wall and walk out 20 ft. *Scale with 3 Wall walk + 5 lateral … [Read more...]
Deload Week Back Squat 5x1 @ 80% of 1RM Rest 2min b/t sets + Three rounds of: Row 500m + 21x SDHP @ 75/55lbs + 12x Burpees over Bar For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) Work to 3rm Snatch Sotts in 5 min. B) 10 min. to find 1rm snatch for the day C) 10 min. to find Clean + 2 jerk max for the day Skill: A) 20 alt. candlestick roll to Pistol *every 5 reps perform 3 bar MU Conditioning: 12 … [Read more...]
Front Squat Every 15sec for 5min 1x Thruster @ 75/55lbs (You may not rack barbell until all 20 reps are completed) Conditioning For Time: 60x Overhead Squats @ 95/65lbs + 40x Single-Arm DB CJ @ 50/35lbs + 20x Bar Muscle Ups + 40x Single-Arm DB CJ @ … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 6 sets of 3 single arm DB/KB bench press working to max B) 6 sets to find 3 rep weighted Chinup/supinated grip Skill: A) 3 min. to accumulate max freestanding HS hold Conditioning: For total reps AMRAP 3: 5 HSPU 10 … [Read more...]
Aerobic Work Ten sets of: 1min Hard Row + 2min Easy Row Snatch 8min to build to 90% for a Single + 6x3 @ 70-75% Every 2min Deadlift 6x1 @ 90% of 1RM Rest 2min b/t sets For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]