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Training Camps: 2 Day Weightlifting Camp

The Power and Grace Weightlifting Training Camps are geared towards both coaches and athletes of all levels. It’s common knowledge that efficiency of movement and...

Training Camps: 1 Day Weightlifting Camp

The Power and Grace Weightlifting Training Camps are geared towards both coaches and athletes of all levels. It’s common knowledge that efficiency of movement and...

Training Camps: Movement

The Power and Grace Movement Seminar is geared towards both coaches and athletes of all levels. We want the take-away of this day to include...

Training Camps: Performance

The Power and Grace Performance Camps are designed to enhance the attendees’ understanding and efficiency across a broad range of movements including the Olympic lifts...

Training Camps

We offer three different styles of Training camps based on need and desired education. The Performance Camp is a 2-day overview of all things competition....

Remote Coaching: Programming

Remote Programming Options There are those of you who have specific needs. You know who you are. You generally fit into one of three categories....

Remote Coaching: Movement

What we have found is that programming is only one of the pieces that makes a successful athlete. Following the best program will only get...

Remote Coaching: Weightlifting

What we have found is that programming is only one of the pieces that makes a successful athlete. Following the best program will only get...

Remote Options

Power and Grace Performance believes largely in the necessity and importance of proper coaching. A good athlete becomes great because of their ability to listen...

Remote Coaching: Competition

What we have found is that programming is only one of the pieces that makes a successful athlete.Following the best program will only get you...