December 20, 2018: Competition
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Upper Pump Four sets of: 30sec max Strict Press @ 40%+ 30sec Rest + 30sec max rep push ups + 90sec Rest Conditioning Four sets of: 30sec max Russian KBS @ 70/53lbs + 30sec rest + 30sec max rep Strict Pull Ups + 90sec rest Core Work Tabata GHD Sit Ups … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 12 min. to find max Behind neck jerk + jerk B) FS: 11 min. EMOM - 2 smooth FS Skill: A) 8 sets -2 Hollow arch MU kips + 2-4 MU + 2 dips Conditioning: 15 min. AMRAP -21 UB wall balls (20/14) -15 pullups -9 Burpee Box … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 12 min. to find max 3 pos. clean -Hip, Above knee, below knee B) 10 min. EMOM - 3 banded deadlifts Skill: A) 5 supersets -15 HSPU -20 banded tricep extensions Conditioning: 8 rounds for time -125m Row -12 hang clean and … [Read more...]
Cleans Every 30sec for 10min 1x Power Clean + 1x Front Squat + 1x Hang Squat Clean Weight: 115/75lbs Clean Accessory Five sets of: 3x Clean Pull @ 100% Clean + 3x High Box Jumps Rest as Needed b/t sets Aerobic Work 3x3000m Row Rest 2min b/t sets 2k … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 8 sets: building w/o failure - 2 snatches w/ pause 2" off ground B) BS: 10 min EMOM - 2 smooth BS building as able Skill: A) 8 min. EMOM -4 kipping CTB + 4 butterfly CTB Conditioning: 12 min. AMRAP -80 DU -60 DB single … [Read more...]
Back Squat 10min to work to 90% for a Single + 4x4 @ 80% of 1RM Rest 2min b/t sets Conditioning 10x Bear Hug Squats + 30sec Hard Row Rest 1min, Five sets Weight: 100/70lbs Sandbag Cool Down 10min SkiErg @ moderate pace For personalized masters … [Read more...]
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Rest Day For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 4 sets - 20 ft. snatch duck walk Forward and Reverse B) 10 min. EMOM - Snatch building for max for the day C) 4 sets of 5: Press in split D) 10 min. to find max Clean + FS + Jerk Skill: A) 4 rounds 90 sec. on/off - 16 … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) Work to 3 rm DB bench press - 6 burpees immediately after every set B) 4 sets - Max strict Pullups Skill: A) 4 sets - 30 ft. partner HS walk -Kick into HS and have partner set feet to perfect straight body and … [Read more...]
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 10 min. to find max- 1 Push Press + 1 Power jerk + 1 split jerk B) 12 min. working to 6 rep FS Skill: A) 7 min EMOM for kip consistency- 2 CTB + 2 TTB + 2 Bar MU B) 2 rounds - 20 ghd situps + 50m farmers carry … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 8 sets - Every 2 min. - 2 rep full clean B) 3 min. AMRAP -10 DU -10 DL (205/145) -20 DU -10 DL -add 10 DU e/round Skill: A) 4 min. Tabata on rings -10 sec. arch hold + 10 sec. hollow hold B) 20 MU for time w/towel b/n … [Read more...]
Complete in Order Strength: A) 10 sets: Every 90 sec. - 3 rep Hang Snatch working to heavy set for the day B) BS: 10 min. to find 2 rep BS w/ 3 sec. pause in first rep Skill: A) Death By Strict HSPU B) 30 strict TTB *keep some level of control as … [Read more...]